Baby Boy is 4 weeks old today and I wanted to update you in on his appointment at Children’s hospital. We were able to get him in on Monday afternoon and the appointment went well. The doctor put a scope down his nose and looked into his esophagus which we were able to watch on a TV screen. George thought it was pretty disgusting (okay I did too). It only took about 30 seconds so it wasn’t too bad, although Baby wasn’t happy as he couldn’t eat for two hours before the appointment and was hungry and screaming at that time.
Anyway, Baby does have Laryngomalacia (floppy esophagus) and also reflux which is all related. The doctor was able to see acid coming up from Baby’s stomach and also swelling in the esophagus from the reflux. The swelling makes the noise (stridor) worse. He has been very fussy lately and reminds us of how George was at this age with the large amounts of spit-up he brings up at times, sometimes being yellow from the stomach bile. The doctor put him on Zantac (which George was on for Colic) to treat the reflux which will treat the swelling and help Baby not to have to work as hard to breathe when he is nursing. He goes back in two months for a check-up. We are so thankful that his case is not severe and that nothing surgical needs to be done as he will outgrow this! God is Good!
Baby Boy at 4 weeks
I caught him with his eyes open which is not very frequent.