At the beginning of October we took a picture of the four of us and as soon as we all have our babies we will do a follow-up. My friend K started things off having her ninth baby, a boy, 3 weeks early. Another friend, C, has complicated pregnancies related to RH with the baby having a couple blood transfusions in-utero and so was set to deliver this week at 35 weeks. She had a c-section on Monday and had a baby boy. (He will be in the NICU for at least a week). Now L, who was due before all of us was a week overdue but ended up delivering a baby boy on Monday night. With mine there will be three new babies this week! So, what do you think I might have??? I am starting to lean toward a BOY! (Only 2 more days!!)

Behold, children are a gift from the LORD; the fruit of the womb is a reward.
~Psalm 127:3~
I can't believe the time is here! Wow! It sure goes fast when you aren't the one that is pregnant! :)
I have been praying for you along with my other Mommy-to-be friends, but we were all sick with the stomach bug and I am just now getting back to seeing your blog!
I will especially remember you on Friday! I pray you will have peace that passes all understanding!
In Christ, Eva
Okay I waited for a whole day before I wrote to bug you for an update! I can't wait either to hear the good news!
Praying everyone is happy and resting! In Christ, Eva
Just came by to check on you. I'm hoping you are home from the hospital today and healing well.
I am sure you are sore and exhausted.
OK, you guessed it would be a boy, but i'm thinking it's a girl.......Missy needs a sister. I can't wait to hear all about it.
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