Unfortunately the IV took awhile to start and one of my veins burst as I was dehydrated, go figure, after not being able to eat or drink for eight hours. I was moved to the holding area and they started an epidural for me there as the operating room was not ready yet. My past c-sections I have had a spinal but the anesthesiologist thought this would work better for me and hopefully prevent any nauseousness as I have had in the past. I was moved to the operating room and wondered about this epidural as I could still feel things. (With a spinal you are numb almost instantly). They continued to reassure me that indeed I would not feel anything but pressure, especially when they pulled the baby out.
My husband was brought in right after they began and I could see him shaking as soon as he walked through the door. I felt so bad for him and tried to reassure him that indeed I was feeling good. It didn't take long and our little boy was born and Daddy could go and be with his newest son. I admit I was a bit surprised to hear them say, "It's a boy!"
A nurse friend of mine who attends our church had arranged with the anesthesiologist in advance that I could bring my own music in for the surgery and so I had worked at downloading my favorite songs both instrumental and praise choruses/hymns and burned a cd for the occasion. It was such a comfort to be able to sing along to songs such as "Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus" and know that it was indeed Him who was giving me the peace that passes all understanding that morning. On my way out of surgery the anesthesiologist thanked me for bringing in music and how it was the most memorable c-section he had ever assisted in. Everyone agreed and said how it left such a pleasant "taste" in the air. Indeed it was my best c-section also.
I felt good in recovery also but as always was anxious to hold my baby. The nice thing about the epidural was that I didn't need to stay in recovery as long seeing as I had never lost feeling in my toes so was able to move them easily which is a requirement for going back to your room. I also never was nauseous. For that matter, I felt great all day because I numb for most of it. Day two is when the pain hits. For me at least, I feel better with each c-section and am able to move around much faster.
While I was in surgery and recovery our little boy was having difficulty breathing and needed his lungs suctioned due to not being squeezed through the birth canal. He also ended up having low blood sugar and so they gave him a bit of formula to perk him up which it did. As soon as I returned he was hungry and ready to eat. This isn't usually the case with my c-section babies as they are typically tired out and not interested in food.
I had such a nice hospital stay as it was a "fluke" that I was the only patient in that weekend. The nice thing about that was that I had all of the nurses waiting on me. When I was walking around better I was even able to go to the nurses kitchen to help myself to snacks when I got hungry or they would bring whatever I was desiring. I got to visit with and get to know some new faces. Thankfully Monday rolled around and things were back to being busy where I didn't see a nurse for most of the day. That helped to make me desire for home a little more.
I am so thankful for our parents who took care of our children when needed and now my Mom worked out a schedule so that I always have someone with me for the next two weeks and hopefully I can get some rest. I sure can feel it when I overdue it! We are starting to adjust to a new "normal".

Congratulations and welcome to the world little angel. He is SOOOO cute, those cheeks are so plump, I love it!
Glad things went so smoothly, I didn't doubt it would- not with all the prayers. :)
Thank you for updating us.
Praise the Lord that all went so smoothly for you!
You make a C-section sound pretty good.
I had my music this time, too, and it made such a huge difference in the atmosphere and my mindset.
Your new little man is so cute. He has such a nice-shaped head.
WoW! Congratulations!
5 Boys! How much fun they'll all have! :)
Good thing you've got Missy Blue Eyes. We're the opposite. Every time my son prayed and prayed for another boy. I tell everyone I'm glad I got him first because after that I only got girls. He thinks we should adopt twin boys to even things out. We'll see. :)
I'm glad everything went smoothly, and I really like the name you picked out!
Happy Recovery!
Continued prayers as you all adjust to life with 8! :)
Congratulations! You have a beautiful family.
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