Happy Birthday to my little girl!
When I was first pregnant with Missy Blue we wondered if we would have a girl this time. An ultrasound indeed confirmed that our fifth child would be a girl. I was excited thinking about being able to dress her up, do her hair, and have tea parties together, all the things that most boys do not care for. (Although, my boys would probably enjoy a tea party with me.)

I have enjoyed these past two years and continue to be amazed at just how different girls can be. Missy is naturally very nurturing and will comfort anyone who is crying by rubbing their back or arm so gently. She enjoys carrying her dolls around the house and yesterday carried a diaper along with her with an attempt to change the doll. After watching four boys string dolls from their feet and whip them around or tackle them to the ground, I found this to be a refreshing change.

We also see quite a different temperament which isn't always the most pleasant. Of course Missy turns that right around and will also be a little charmer, especially to her brothers. She will follow them around and is not content unless she is where they are. At times it is as if they are at her beck and call.
We are still waiting for Missy's vocabulary to develop but know that as soon as she really starts talking it will never stop. Her favorite word of course is "Daddy". "Where Daddy go? Gawh?" is the phrase we hear throughout the day.
What a joy and delight she brings to our family. I look forward to watching Missy grow and become a little lady.

Happy Birthday to Missy Blue Eyes!
Girls are so much fun.
I'm going to answer your question on my blog. I started to here, but it got long.
What cute then and now pictures! I love the expression on her face holding the doll with her purse on her shoulder! So sweet!
Praying for you! Can't wait to hear the good news! :)
In Christ, Eva
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