We received a complimentary subscription to Kinderbach and I was very curious to see if this might work for us.
What is Kinderbach?
Kinderbach is online piano lessons for children. It is geared for ages 3-7 and teaches note reading, rhythm, singing, and composition using fun characters.If you have children, you know that each one learns in a different way and that varies from child to child. Some learn by seeing, some learn by hearing and others by doing. And some, learn in a combination of the three. Kinderbach knows that and incorporates the varying approaches so that each child can learn to play the piano.
While the piano keyboard is obviously the basis, it becomes a neighborhood with homes for a cast of characters used to play games, tell stories, and sing songs with your child.
"The KinderBach curriculum is a proven teaching method which gives children a solid music foundation, aligned with the MENC National Standards for Pre-K, that can translate to any instrument. Basics are basics and KinderBach covers them using language children understand. Youngsters will learn music vocabulary, note reading, rhythm, physical technique, ‘do, re mi’ singing, listening skills and music composition plus the joy in making music."
Our Experience
Three of our children ages 4 - 8 used Kinderbach and each one of them really enjoyed it! Keep in mind that this program is geared to the younger child as to an adult or older child the videos may come across as "kind of weird" as one of my older boys said. But that is the thing that the younger children seem to enjoy and it really draws them in. And while Tank, my 8-year old is past the "recommended" age, he didn't mind the characters and had fun along with his siblings.
The concepts taught may be advanced but the lessons are simple so that the child can work at their own pace. There are four lessons per week but since you have access to them all at once my three would go through lesson after lesson in one sitting if I didn't stop them.

You can try Kinderbach out with Two Free Online Sessions. And if you decide this program works for your family a year online membership is $7.99 a month which is billed in a one time annual payment of $95.88 -- a great deal! Or billed once a month for $19.99. That price covers each child in your family and includes
- Access to all web lessons (over 240 sessions) by computer, iPad, Android Tablet, Kindle Fire or Nook.
- Accompanying downloaded PDF activity pages
When you consider the cost lessons would be including transportation that is a big savings!
And new to Kinderbach is an app for the iPad/iPhone to make it more portable. Some of the crew reviewed the app. Check out what they have to say by clicking on the logo below.
Special Deal
As a special deal for my readers Kinderbach is offering 30% off any order - homeschool, classroom, online or DVDs.
Coupon Code: TOS_crew2012
Expires: 12/31/2012
Also the KinderBach App is on sale This Friday, Oct. 19th, 2012 ONLY. The app will be discounted over 50%, down to $12.99! No code needed just go to the Classroom KinderBach app in the App store

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