Friday, May 29, 2009
Remembering Owen
My heart hurts for them especially when my baby boy hugs me close and I long for them to also be experiencing that unbelievable kind of joy. How wonderful it would be if we could see things the way God sees them and understand His plan but that is not possible this side of heaven.
I was reading this verse the other day and it is exactly how I was feeling today as I thought about Owen Matthew on this his first birthday in heaven.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
Heather recently began a blog called Fullness of Grace that chronicles Owen's story and how they have been blessed. I encourage you to visit and read their story. You can find it on my sidebar or click HERE.
Thanks Heather and Jason for sharing your story and bringing glory to God through it. I love you both and as always am praying for you!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cursed Ground for Man's Sake
We had some of our family over for Memorial Day and a number of us went on a hike. Some of the trails ended up being a little overgrown but the boys and I enjoy forging our way through. We are very well acquainted with watching out for poison ivy as John has had very bad reactions to it so always watch out for that. I also brought along our spray to keep bugs away. It is the season for those pesty no-see-ums that bite our necks and leave them bloody. We often end up with scabby necks and when my Mom sees them says "It must be spring".
The other night Re-Pete wanted to show me all of the little bug bites on his ankle. Low and behold, he has poison ivy, although he wasn't even on the walk with us. We do have it on parts of our land so he must have stumbled upon it. Thankfully Re-Pete isn't bothered by it too much. It did spread to the other leg now but we have been washing it with Burts Bees Poison Ivy soap and then applying a salve and that seems to help.
This morning I itched on my lower back and felt something that seemed to be a scab of some sort. I couldn't recall what I might have done but went on with the day. Later on it was itching again and I thought I should see what it looked like. Well, it looked a lot like a bug to me and seeing as it was still there from this morning it most likely was a tick. George confirmed that yes indeed there was a tick stuck in my back. Just great! None of the boys wanted to attempt removing it and truth be told, I preferred they not as I wanted to make sure the entire thing was removed. I called my neighbor but she wasn't home. I tried another neighbor down the road (at the farm we work on) and the line was busy. No, I wasn't panicked or bothered too much but we hopped in the van and down the road we went.
Thankfully my friend was able to remove it for me and found that it was a deer tick. Seeing as it has been raining here for most of the week the only time I was outside was when we went hiking on Monday. So I assume it had been stuck in my back for a few days. That area has been quite sore for the rest of the day and I will watch for any signs of anything else.
So, nothing really serious but inconvenient none-the-less. Oh, for the day when the world will be just as God originally intended it to be.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Nature Field Trip
This trip always reminds us of home as we basically have all three areas right where we live. Our backyard is like the prairie complete with the huge ant mounds we saw that day. The state forest is right across the road and walking down the road brings us to natural springs with a creek that is similar to the pond area. The field trip enhances our walks so much more and now when we see the trillium scattered throughout the woods we know what pollinated them.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cutting Grass
Last week was Re-Pete's first time and while he struggled a bit seeing as the lawn mower is a little high for him, he pressed on and no matter how often I asked if he wanted me to help him out he declined and pressed on. He didn't cut it perfectly but he did his best and for a first time I thought it was great!
Now that there was a slight job shift John decided that it is time for George to take over cutting our grass. Seeing that this is a job that takes about 2 hours he has been looking forward to giving it up for a long time! The other night John rode on the golf cart while George followed behind on the riding mower and that worked out well. Our land is hilly and rocky so it isn't the easiest to cut and we also mow paths through our fields which make for a nice nature walk.
I am so happy the boys enjoy this type of work and look for ways to earn money.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Mmmm Monday -- Potato Carrot Fritters (pancakes)
Today I was in the mood for potato pancakes and found a recipe that uses shredded hash brown potatoes, which I happened to have in my freezer. I used my zucchini fritter recipe using hash brown potatoes instead and added shredded carrots and they were gobbled up. One of these days maybe I'll actually get a picture of my food. I had leftovers that I planned on taking a picture of but they were eaten up before I got to it.
4 cups frozen shredded hash browns
2 grated carrots
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/4 cup minced fresh parsley
1 garlic glove
2 T milk
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup flour
1 tsp. salt
oil (I prefer Coconut Oil as it is better for you and expeller pressed does not have a coconut flavor)
Rinse hash browns in a strainer with cold water until thawed. Drain thoroughly; transfer to a large bowl. Add carrot, onion, parsley, garlic, milk, eggs, flour and salt; mix well. In a skillet over medium heat, heat 1/4 in. of oil. Drop batter by spoonfuls into hot oil. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Drain on paper towels.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Show & Tell Friday -- Encouraging Video
This video is rather long so if you have your computer near the kitchen you may want to make a meal, wash dishes, etc. while listening. Here is a brief synopsis:
Rachel's story is not unlike what thousands of women around the world have experienced. A diagnosis that changes a woman's life and inevitably takes from her what we consider to be most precious.
After four and a half years of vigilantly fighting breast cancer, the 37 year old wife and mother of two was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
But for Rachel the essence of life is found in her relationship with God through Jesus. And that's why Rachel is convinced that death is not dying.
Click on the following link to view -- Death is Not Dying: A Faith That Saves
For more Show & Tells visit Mary at Raising 4 Godly Men
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Graduation & Visiting Grandparents
We walked the campus a bit afterwards and the boys enjoyed seeing the pond and waterslide. They thought there was too much walking involved though. :)
Our next desination was to visit with some friends of my in-laws who have a horse farm but along the way we stopped for a bite to eat and I had really yummy Reuben Soup complete with melted swiss cheese and rye bread croutons -- I need to find a recipe for that, although I'd be the only one eating it.
It was a cool day so we did not spend much time at the farm but the children were able to see all of the various animals. They were a bit disappointed not to ride horses, but another time.
The rest of the visit was spent with John's parents briefly celebrating his Mom's birthday (a little late) playing marbles, and just relaxing.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day Mom!
My Mom is a special lady and I have been reminded of that so much more this past winter. We use their house as a stopping grounds when in town for church, field trips, homeschool classes and the like. She is always so willing to take the children for me at a minutes notice and even though chaos often reigns when we all emerge on their smaller home she doesn't complain. As she was sick a few times this winter so that we needed to make other plans rather than staying at my parents house, I realized anew just how much she helps me out with the children. I am so thankful that we live close and for her willingness to help when I need her.
Almost first thing each morning Mom calls just to check in which is something my Grandma used to do with her. It may be only for a minute or two to say "Hi" but most likely I'll talk to her at least once more in that day. I am also thankful to have my Mom as a friend!
I Love You Mom!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Our 12th Anniversary
I am so glad for the change! I would not want to go back to the beginning to figure out all of the quirks and moods that were not quite as obvious during the dating years. I love the comfortable feel of my husband next to me. I love that we have grown and matured and am so thankful for the children we have been blessed with -- have you heard that phrase -- "all because two people fell in love".
Thank You God for the gift of love and marriage to reflect the beautiful relationship between Christ and His church! I pray that we clearly mirror that in our own marriage.

Missy's Injury
As I saw the blood dripping everywhere and looked at John's face I wondered if this might need stitches, which is exactly what he was thinking. He said there is no way he wanted to go that route if at all possible. He continued to pull the skin together and bandage it until we could get to the drug store for butterfly bandages. He also bought liquid bandage which worked wonderfully and held the skin together. I was so thankful that John was home and I didn't have to deal with it. I know if I have to I can handle it but things like that typically make me feel faint.
Missy wasn't herself for a little while but going bowling later in the day with the Northland students cheered her up considerably. It is healing nicely now and I think she enjoyed the extra attention she received on Sunday as everyone came up to ask what happened to her. Pretty soon she just started pointing to her owie when someone approached.
Hopefully there won't be much of a scar.
I am extremely thankful for husbands who are cool under pressure, for liquid bandages and a fun time with friends to take away the pain.

Friday, May 1, 2009
On Our Best Behavior
We have gone to the chiropractor periodically since Tank was a baby for various issues. We all went in again the other morning and as has happened for the past three weeks Dr. Dan told me that I have the "best behaved children" and that every time we come in we get complimented over and again by the other patients. He said first they ask him if they are really all mine (the same comment I often receive -- no, I stopped to pick up a few more on the way) and they follow it by saying how well-behaved they are. He also says he can never tell there are children in the waiting room when we come because they are so quiet.
I think I may have to go in every week for that boost of encouraging words about our parenting. At home it is another story but unfortunately, isn't that how it is for most of us? We are at our worst at home but in front of others we put on a smile and all is well.