Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Washing Machine

Last week I went to the basement to do a load of laundry and saw puddles of water at the base of the stairs. It was next to a pair of boots so I told the owner he should really put his boots on a plastic drainer when they are wet. He told me he hadn't worn them that day (he was out in the snow in his shoes instead). When I went in the laundry room and saw more water behind the washer I realized we had a problem. Unfortunately, it was enough water that a portion of our laminate flooring is now warped from the water building up beneath it. John reminded me that the same thing had happened before causing us to buy a new washer. But that seemed like only a few years ago.

John packed it up right away and took it to town in the morning for an estimate to fix it. As it turns out we bought our washing machine 10 years ago already. Time does fly when you are washing loads and loads! I was surprised to find the cost to fix it was $500 and a new one could be purchased for less. How crazy is that? I so appreciate my husband! He doesn't sit around and wait he gets a job done and fast!

John found a deal at Sears and picked one out for me. I have no opinion in this area as long as it fits a large load I am good. He brought our new washing machine home, hooked it up and started the first load. The kids are all excited at the new appliance and how nice it looks. The boys each learned how to operate it and I told them maybe I should not ever learn how and they could do all of the laundry. George typically does his own and he is quite happy with this new and improved machine. It automatically senses the size of the load and adjusts the water amount to that. Quite nice.

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Appropriately we saw a cartoon drawing today of a washing machine, with a dryer and a "folder".

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I told the boys to come up with a design and invent one. I know lots of people who would go for that! Their creative juices were flowing and they discussed how that could be accomplished and were drawing out designs. But of course a lego mechanical set would be a really good investment to help them in this endeavor! I agree but wow, those aren't cheap!

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