As a Sunday School teacher Mrs. Wilson brought the Word of God to life. So often a Sunday School lesson will be more like reading a good story but she made it fun and interesting to a young girl and challenged us to learn. I remember writing reports on what we learned, searching scripture to find all the names of God, carving animals out of soap, and my favorite was a bible-times meal which was when I first enjoyed the taste of a pomegranate.
Not only that though, Mrs. Wilson lived her life to glorify God and it showed. She was always encouraging others in their walk with God and striving to know Him better. She was also instrumental in my good friend being saved and countless others as well. There were tests in her life as her oldest son had Cystic Fibrosis and then lost the battle in his late twenties, around six years ago, but she continued to praise God.
Mrs. Wilson went to be with her Savior after battling cancer and I had the privilege of attending the most amazing memorial service last weekend. She had it all planned out and did not want much said of her but only of God her Savior that others would come to know the One who had saved her. Her son spoke and said that when his Mom first called him with her diagnosis she said, "Now we find out if I really believe all the things I said I believed." And from what I heard testified, even in her last days when the cancer was having it's way in her body, her eyes did not grow dim. Despite her pain she still praised the One who made her and looked forward to seeing Him face to face.
I am so thankful to have had a true woman of God in my life.

1 comment:
Hey Amy - thanks for posting those thoughts about Mom. She truly impacted so many, and so many regarding the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was such a blessing for her in those last days to receive notes from some of those many people witnessed to and prayed for. Please be in prayer for the lost, especially those in attendance last Saturday.
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