I really enjoy baking, especially taking a recipe and modifying it to make a more healthy version with whole wheat flour, alternative sweeteners, etc. In the beginning of this process I ended up with dry cakes or really flat cakes but over the years have perfected four cakes that I regularly make for birthdays that are very moist and tasty.
In addition to that I enjoy decorating birthday cakes. I grew up with birthday cakes that my Mom beautifully decorated each year and thankfully she has passed on her talent to my sister and me. I have carried on that tradition but only wish that I wouldn't have ever given the boys a choice of which cake to make. They typically find one on one of my favorite websites on my sidebar called "Coolest Birthday Cakes". It also is a little more difficult in that we have two birthday parties where I need to make more than one cake and that slightly decreases the fun of it. For the three boys birthday two weeks ago my sister was a sweetheart and offered to decorate a cake for Tank as I had been very tempted to buy one. It turned out beautifully and Tank loved it!
I am going to share the cakes from the past few months.

If you would like to see more Show & Tells visit Mary at Raising 4 Godly Men. Today she shares a spelling program that I have also found to be of great help.
I enjoy making cakes for my kids too.
Those jeep cakes are so cool! I'm scared to show my boys or they'll want one!
Oh, YUM!!! These look delicious, but better, they look FABULOUS!!! Hats off to you and your sister and mother for the lovely jobs! We love baking and decorating here too, so I especially enjoyed seeing what other's do. =o)
Have a lovely weekend!
Kind Regards,
Great job the cakes are all beautiful. I am going to have to remember the jeep cakes for my twin boys when they get older.
I took a cake decorating class before we came to Japan. Its enough that I can decorate the kids cakes and not have to spend $35 for a half sheet cake (yep, that's how much it is) that takes really bad and cool whip frosting (which I had-needs some sugar!)
Take care and have a wonderful day!
I see what you mean when you say that your mom passed on her talent to you and your sister. Those are some really impressive cakes!
Considering that your someone that has been baking a long time, you probably already know what I'm about to suggest, but you mentioned that you try to make your cakes healthier - the other day Rachel had no oil for a chocolate walnut cake she was making for her dad. I told her to use applesauce (the same amount that the recipe called for oil). She was really surprised (I was surprised that I even remembered this, I rarely bake). The cake turned out good and you wouldn't have known the difference!
Those are amazing!
Your children are blessed.
My kids must never see this post, lest they get ideas about what a cake "should" be. Really, when you can't use eggs it is hard to get a cake that doesn't fall apart. I suppose I could do better in the decorating department, though. My kids are thrilled if I use Skittles to write their name or age on top of a sheet cake!
I second the vote that this lovely post shall never be shown to my kids! Wow! The jeep cakes are so amazing and the dolly as adorable!
I agree with sahmto4ormore, my kids were thrilled with the candy topped cake that I made. Not healthy but more exciting than normal! :)
My youngest two have birthdays coming up in March. Mary said she wanted a cake with Hook's ship on it! (We had recently listened to Peter Pan on Librivox.) Sorry but not going to happen!
I enjoyed your post on your Sunday school teacher. It made me cry. What a light for God!
Blessings, Eva
Oh, these are so beautiful. A lovely S&T of the year's collection of cakes.
Query....I see your background. Did it come from the Cutest Blog on the Block site? I use those for my blogspot blog, but where in the HSB template do you put them? I have an HSB blog that is way overdue for a remodel. :-)
These are AMAZING cakes ! I really want to keep improving my cakes and make them more fun. I will HAVE to check out your link for cake making. [0= Thank you soooooooo much for sharing. I think you should link this post to my Tightwad Tuesday ! I know a lot of gals would love to see it !
PS: Could you PLEASE share how you did your blog template ! I am soooooooooo wanting to know what you did !
Blessings and ((HUGS)) my SSiC
In Him<><
Oh I love the cakes! I'll have to show them to my mother in law (she's the cake decorator) and my kids birthdays are coming up. :-)
I would like to know too about your blog template. I also have a background similar to yours at my blogspot that I use for business.
Have a good weekend! :-)
Those are absolutely stunning cakes. I love the creativity and I bet your kids feel very special to have such individualized cakes made by someone they love so much.
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