I probably say this every year but it is always true in that George is a huge help to me! He is very responsible in helping with the little ones. His sister adores him and loves to get piggy-back rides from him. He also helps with Baby Boy in any way that he can. While he is only 9 he watches out for his younger siblings while working on the farm and at the races or just in playing outside. One of George's favorite things to do is drive our golf cart around the yard and he is quite good at it. He enjoys building with legos which is one thing he really wanted for his birthday.
This summer George has wanted to earn extra money to save for a remote control truck and so he has been cutting grass for Opa (his great-grandpa) each week and others when needed. From what I hear, he does a good job.
While George has struggled with reading due to being mildly dyslexic, he perseveres and his tutor has repeatedly said that she has never had a student that works as hard and does as well as George. We are so proud of him!

This year we were at the races and so "officially" celebrated George's birthday last night. I love tradition and try to create birthday traditions for the children. George is all for that and reminded me on Saturday night to make sure he woke to streamers in his doorway as always. I have made a reusable one with ribbons tied to rope which makes it easy for me and fun to walk through a doorway of ribbons. He chose his breakfast of caramel rolls (not something I make often as they are not healthy in the least). For his birthday meal he selected: corn on the cob, fruit salad, his favorite pasta salad (w/cheese, peppers, radishes) and beets. Yes I did say "beets"! (My craving when pregnant last summer). This boy takes after me in many ways. For the main course we had grilled chicken wrap sandwiches.

George wanted an off-road race track cake this year modeled after the track we were at this past weekend. I am getting a bit tired of decorating grass and dirt type cakes but alas, I have a bunch of boys here.

Happy Birthday to my firstborn! You are growing into a special young man. I know God has great things in store for you.
If you are interested, click HERE to read about George's birth story.
Happy Birthday George!! Hope you had a wonderful day and a blessed year!
My oldest, also a son, just turned ten!!
Great job on the cake!!!!!!!!!
My boys are already requesting dirt cake for their b'days and they are still 3 or 4 months away.
He looks so grown-up in those pics. He has matured a lot this year.
Happy Belated Birthday!
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