Saturday, January 12, 2008

Going Home!

Praise the Lord!!! We are going home today! After my post yesterday Baby Boy "turned a corner" and started to improve quickly. He was happy and very energetic and giving smiles all around. They started to wean him off of the oxygen late afternoon and he did great while awake but while sleeping he gradually improved. He continued to have breathing treatments every two hours and the respiratory therapist (a fellow Christian) kept encouraging me with the improvement he has seen. We will need to continue the treatments for awhile as the cough will most likely linger for weeks as he had been so inflamed.

We have had the best care here and I have gotten to know so many people that it makes it "almost" sad to know that I will most likely never see them again. Although one of my nurses said that with six children she is bound to see me again. I hope not. She has been so supportive of me this week and when she thought I looked down would think of something to try and cheer me (like bringing me this laptop). Everyone loves a baby and seeing as there were only two on this floor we had quite a few masked visitors. (Masks were hanging on the door as RSV is so contagious).

I am so thankful this week for our family who were so willing to help out with the children while I was at the hospital and my husband worked. My Mom had them for part of the week and my Mother-in-law came down for the end of the week. I have no idea what we would do otherwise. We have also been blessed with a church family who saw a need and provided meals for my family this week.

We now head home back to the chaos, noise, and constant activity and I cannot wait! Last night before bed my husband called and put the children on speaker while they prayed and each told how much they loved me and each kissed the phone. Oh, how I miss them all! My only concern being home is that some of them are still coughing and/or have fevers and I do not want Baby Boy to get anything else.

Thank You to all of you who have prayed and encouraged me through your comments! This has been a journey and I so appreicate the body of Christ that rallies around and will lift a need to the Lord in prayer.

1 comment:

hospital friend said...

I'm so glad to hear you are home! I've been thinking of you and praying for you. "J" is still slowly improving. I'll be glad when this is completely over!

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