I am yet again amazed at how the time flies! I meet people who have twins now and I have a hard time remembering what it was even like to have two babies. They were always so similar not only in looks but also personalities. Now they are 6 years old and have many more differences, although still look alike. I am so thankful for my thoughtful and compassionate Pete and Re-Pete, the thinker who keeps us guessing and laughing. If you want to read more about them their birth story is HERE
Each year for our Christmas newsletter I "interview" our children. I am going to include Pete and Re-Pete's answers here.
What do you like to do for fun?
Pete: I like to color with chalk, play with Noah’s pirate ship and movie Cars.
Re-Pete: Play with cars and I like to go “skiing” (a made up game going down our hills on their knees – not necessarily in snow – no wonder we have so many holey jeans!) and ride my bike and I like to climb trees and I like to make chairs in snow.
What do you like to eat?
Pete: pizza
Re-Pete: spaghetti and strawberry pie
Where is your favorite place to go?
Pete: To the zoo

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