It is birthday week around here and today the boys woke up to streamers draped along the the ceilings throughout the house and balloons scattered around. They couldn't wipe the grin off of their faces when they came into the kitchen this morning with all of the colorful decorations. I had birthday music playing and was singing to them but I guess they thought I was out of my mind and so I asked them. George confirmed that "You are crazy!" I think they need to lighten up!

Pete and Re-Pete turned 7 years old this morning at 8:22a.m. and 9:30 a.m. so for a short time they were not the same age. :) For breakfast they chose waffles so I made them with chocolate chips which were quite yummy, but then chocolate makes everything good! This morning they are taking it easy and watching a movie and were happy not to have to do chores. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring as the arctic air has moved in and so staying home is looking like a nice option, although we are supposed to have art class this afternoon. The big celebration will be on Sunday along with Tank whose birthday is Friday.
John and I keep telling the boys that they need to slow down and are not allowed to turn another year older but they keep growing despite our wishes.

The boys got a kick out of this picture as Pete was sucking Re-Pete's thumb. They did crazy things together at that age. :) Good thing I dressed them by color in those days otherwise I would have no idea who is who.

Pete and Re-Pete when we blocked them in behind anything we could find, in this picture the ironing board. They were not allowed in many areas of the house from ages 1 to almost 3 to keep our sanity.

I love the way you progressed the pictures. They are so precious - from the first picture to the present one.
I love the thumb-sucking one--how cool to have extra thumbs to suck!
Hard to believe it's been 7 years already. I'm so glad Pete & Re-Pete can choose their own colors in clothes now. I always felt so sorry for Re-Pete being always in blue. I don't think he ever picks blue now! And how well I remember blocking them in our hallway with toys so they couldn't go anywhere else.
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