At the beginning of October we took a picture of the four of us and as soon as we all have our babies we will do a follow-up. My friend K started things off having her ninth baby, a boy, 3 weeks early. Another friend, C, has complicated pregnancies related to RH with the baby having a couple blood transfusions in-utero and so was set to deliver this week at 35 weeks. She had a c-section on Monday and had a baby boy. (He will be in the NICU for at least a week). Now L, who was due before all of us was a week overdue but ended up delivering a baby boy on Monday night. With mine there will be three new babies this week! So, what do you think I might have??? I am starting to lean toward a BOY! (Only 2 more days!!)

Behold, children are a gift from the LORD; the fruit of the womb is a reward.
~Psalm 127:3~