Monday, June 4, 2007

Homeschool Conference

This weekend my husband and I were able to go to the homeschool conference in our area. We have only gone once before and then only to visit the vendor halls. This weekend Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis was the keynote speaker along with Buddy Davis and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to hear him speak!

Initially I had a difficult time leaving the children, even though I knew they were in good hands at my parents house. I am not often away from them and if I am the children are usually with my husband. Being away with only my husband was a strange feeling but once there I enjoyed every minute and being alone together for more than an hour was great as we could actually talk to each other without little voices drowning us out.

We agreed that we could listen to Ken Ham speak all day long and that is almost what my husband did as he took in all of Ken's workshops as I attended a few others. I came away with helpful tips and ideas to incorporate in our homeschool. I went to the vendor hall thinking I had decided which direction to take with history for the coming year but find that I am questioning that yet again. I am looking at both Mystery of History and Tapestry of Grace as they can be used with multiple ages and look interesting to me so if any of you have used either I welcome your opinion.

I wish I could summarize the things I learned this weekend but there was so much to take in! We really got excited about the new Creation Museum but unfortunately time doesn't permit a visit this year. If you ever have the chance to hear Ken Ham speak I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

EEEEMommy said...

I've heard Ken Ham a couple of times and agree, he's fabulous! My husband enjoy going to conferences together, it is so nice to be able to have an adult conversation and husbands can be so insightful about curriculum etc.

I don't have any first-hand insight on TOG or MOH. We've used Story of the World (but no longer-not enough Christian emphasis, plus too much too fast, but great activity ideas & notebook/geography pages) and Truthquest (great reading list and commentary, lots of flexibility, a few notebooking ideas, no hands-on activities, no geography pages).

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