Thursday, January 4, 2007

Painter of the Sky

Yesterday morning I awoke to the most beautiful sunrise! (My picture doesn't do it justice). I was so excited by the beauty of it that with each child that awoke I carried them into the living room to see the big orange ball of sun rising behind the shadows of trees with various colors filling the sky. Wow! Now they weren’t nearly as excited as I was but I love art and God is the greatest artist of all! The colors He puts together to make a day are awe-inspiring. To end the day the glowing moon rose full just above the trees and lit up the night sky. Awesome!

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1


1 comment:

Diane said...

What a gorgeous picture indeed! It's very nice to meet you. :)

About the Gotta Have God honest opinion is that it's not "meaty" enough. It's extremely simple and not thought provoking or heart inspiring in my opinion. I haven't been able to find anything really good and had to settle for this one. We mainly use N's scholastic Bible and use this in addition to our daily Bible readings and discussion. Sorry I couldn't tell you that it was awesome. If you find something you really love, please come back to tell me.

Maybe at 6, 7 it's not supossed to be too in depth...?


Your family is precious! I am going to add you on my friends list if that's okay with you.


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