The last portion of our vacation was spent visiting friends of ours in lower Michigan. Their family stayed with us in May when they came for a wedding and we had so much fun together. John and I started wondering why we never had visited in the 5 years they have been away and so it was time.

Our friends live in the country and we were able to park our motorhome on their land, connect to power and we were set. Although the boys slept in the house with their friends for the most part. We had a wonderful weekend just living life with them -- visiting the local Amish stores (my favorite was a bent and dent with amazing deals! -- pull-ups for $3!!!), canning salsa that ended up super spicy, spending a rainy day at a boys football game followed by a horse show that we watched from the van while eating chili to warm up. The kids rode horses and played to their hearts content while John and I stayed up longer than we can remember just talking with K & L.
[caption id="attachment_782480" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Tank LOVED riding horses!"]

[caption id="attachment_782482" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Even Seppy had a turn"]

[caption id="attachment_782479" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Playdough time"]

[caption id="attachment_782477" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="John and "K" listening to the football game"]

While it is always hard to say "goodbye", after a week of being on the road we were all ready to get home. I think Lincoln was especially ready. We had him along and he was couped up more than he had ever been and was ready to be inside a house again but he did travel really well.
Home again, home again, jiggity jig. :)
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