[caption id="attachment_782515" align="aligncenter" width="180" caption="2 years old"]

This year Missy Blue has become more of a little mother. She is more often found carrying her babies around wanting them to be in a makeshift blanket sling around her, singing and reading to them. But she also likes to mother little children. When we were visiting our friends she always wanted to be near their little boy with down syndrome. He is close to the same age but she would watch out for him, showing him how to create pies with playdough, read books with him, sit next to him in church, etc. Not in the way a friend plays with a friend but in a mothering way. More recently we were watching a friend's little boy who ended up having a fever. Missy Blue didn't leave his side. She made sure he had toys to play with, didn't crawl out of the living room, and lovingly held him close. She is a natural Mommy and I love watching her!

Missy is a sing-songy little girl and many of her sentences come out in song. Often she sings in cheek music and we can't understand a word but the melody is pretty. She loves to sing and has started to be more vocal in the children's choir rather than just shyly standing with her fingers in her mouth as in years past.
She is very much interested in clothes and is more particular about what she wears than I would like her to be. I have decided that it is easier to shop without her. My sister and I took her to try on dresses for Easter and that was a chore. I had one I liked but of course she had one she liked better. I am hoping that down the road her tastes become more similar to my own or we may have some problems.
I was encouraged to hear a story of Missy Blue showing consideration to others this summer. A man from church mentioned that while we are at a picnic Missy was in line for a dessert ahead of him. There was one cookie left but she looked behind her at the man and said, "Oh, did you want that one?" He thanked her but told her to enjoy the cookie. Does that ever make a Mama's heart glad, especially seeing as evidence of kindness is not always present at home.
Missy does enjoy her brothers and it is fun to watch my girl in pink trying to keep up with the guys. From time to time I think how much she would enjoy having a sister as I so enjoyed my own. But then I realize that she knows nothing else and has a great time with her brothers.
I have repeatedly told Missy Blue she is growing up too fast and it brings tears to my eyes to think about. Today as she obviously tires of hearing me say that she responds with "Jesus did it!" :)
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Oh how these little ones of ours are growing up entirely too fast! Happy Birthday to your little girl, she is certainly beautiful. It is so evident the joy she brings to your family and to so many others. You can not help but smile when you look at her sweet little face!
I join you in wondering where on earth time has gone! How can she be 5 already? Her loving heart shows in her face---what a beautiful little girl. Much love ~
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