Heather went to the hospital at midnight on Thursday to be induced. This was a few weeks before her actual due date. Nothing much happened and so the doctor broke her water at 1:30 p.m. on Friday and labor picked up later in the afternoon. Owen Matthew was born at 5:08 p.m on May 30 but unfortunately labor was too much for him and his heart stopped beating before he was born... He weighed 3 lbs 10 oz. and was 17" long. Jason called me late Friday night. He told me that Owen had features similar to their other boys and even had a little hair. Their parents and their two boys were able to spend time holding him and had many pictures taken. They planned on going home the next day but were going to spend the night holding Owen.
My heart breaks when I think of them going home from the hospital with empty arms that ache to hold their baby...

Prayers going out to this family. We just went through a similar situation with friends of ours. Truly heartbreaking, but these babies have the ultimate healing now.
My heart aches as well! Even with not knowing them well, I still can imagine the loss of a child and the pain and longing. Thank the Lord they know Him and they will one day see their Little One whole and healthy in Heaven! I was reading Bring the Rain (you posted about this back in April) recently and she Angie, I think her name is, posted that her sister-in-law just lost her little boy, Luke to SIDS. He was born back in March. So, not only is the loss of Audry still fresh for them they now mourn the loss of a nephew. Can you imagine losing two babies in such a short amount of time? And in one family! The Lord knows why, but, my goodness, I'm sure it is hard to see just what that may be right now! Anyway, if you think of this family, pray for them. She said something that really struck me (and I think we expirenced it with Jean) but if we all share the burden of the loss, it will not seem so huge and overwhelming.
Your entry was beautiful. Heart-felt and full of emotion. I pray that Jason and Heather found comfort from all of their family and friends at the memorial service yesterday.
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