Heather's emotions have gone places mine have never been. She has gone to doctor appointments watching the other expectant mothers knowing her outcome will not be as happy. When shopping people will stop and ask "when are you due?" How do you answer without breaking down? Heather now begins her last moments of carrying her precious Owen and I cannot imagine the pain she is going through. I talked to her earlier and she said that God is sustaining them and today has been a good day. I know she is obviously quite nervous also. Their desire is that Owen would be born alive and that they would have time to spend with him before he goes to be with Jesus. Please pray in that way.
Here is a 3D ultrasound picture taken of Owen a few weeks ago. He is perfect in every way except one...

Our hearts, our thoughts, and our prayers have been with Jason & Heather...and your whole family...throughout these days leading up to little Owen's delivery. Know that we are hurting with you, but thanking God for His comfort and faithfulness amidst the pain. Sending our love to all of you ~
I was really praying that they would have time together but am glad to hear that they did get to see and touch him. I will continue to pray for their family as they cope with this.
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