I know there are a couple of you yet who have followed my blog for years. You may remember not long after Seppy was born I posted about my cousin and his wife and their little boy, Owen, they lost to anencephaly. You can read more about that HERE. It was such a hard time and I have watched over the years as they continued to trust God for the perfect plans that He had for their lives, which included a new little blessing -- a sweet little girl, Lydia, who is already 2 1/2 years old. But all throughout those years and even earlier God was impressing upon their hearts the desire to adopt. Heather blogged about the beginning of their adoption journey HERE.
But, I am especially excited for them now as they have been pre-approved to adopt a special needs little girl from China! Nora Jane turned 1 two weeks ago and is in an orphanage in the Gansu province. Jason and Heather are hoping to travel to China this fall and bring home their little girl to her forever family. Please pray along with me for this family! And, if you feel so inclined to help fund their adoption I have added a button on my sidebar that links to Adoption Bug with fundraiser t-shirts to help with the many expenses involved.
I can't wait to meet you little Miss Nora!
And to follow the Lilyquist's Adoption Journey - Heather writes at Fullness Of Grace.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
10 Month Update
So much for a baby update posted on time!
At 10 months old Zippy is weighing in at 21 pounds and I have no idea how tall . (Of course all of our tape measures have sprouted legs!) Which makes me wonder does it change from inches long to inches tall when baby stands? Because he doesn't lay still anymore! Gone are the days of smiling month pictures because it is all I can do to click the shutter once before he tries to leave.
Our little guy is on the move and there is no stopping him! I remember a time when I did "blanket time" with a few of my first babies and I wonder why I haven't done that yet. I don't want him roaming the house though so he is gated in the living room. That is the room with the least mess, although I can't count the number of times in a day one of the children calls to me "Mom! _____ has something in his mouth!" Babies must have eyes like hawks. I continue to have the rest of the kids get down on hands and knees and crawl to clean up the floor but to no avail as their vision seems to be terrible! Ha!
I have been so discouraged with Zippy's lack of naps and my not accomplishing anything during the day and started to look for ideas online. I have often followed Babywise methods and did find a website written by a Mom who uses those ideas and realized a few things I have been doing to contribute to Zippy's poor napping. So we'll see if changing up the routine helps.
But alas, the observation has ended and now comes exploration and climbing! Do you see the hill below? He crawled from the bottom to the top. Stopping now and then to pick grass.
At 10 months old Zippy is weighing in at 21 pounds and I have no idea how tall . (Of course all of our tape measures have sprouted legs!) Which makes me wonder does it change from inches long to inches tall when baby stands? Because he doesn't lay still anymore! Gone are the days of smiling month pictures because it is all I can do to click the shutter once before he tries to leave.
Our little guy is on the move and there is no stopping him! I remember a time when I did "blanket time" with a few of my first babies and I wonder why I haven't done that yet. I don't want him roaming the house though so he is gated in the living room. That is the room with the least mess, although I can't count the number of times in a day one of the children calls to me "Mom! _____ has something in his mouth!" Babies must have eyes like hawks. I continue to have the rest of the kids get down on hands and knees and crawl to clean up the floor but to no avail as their vision seems to be terrible! Ha!
I have been so discouraged with Zippy's lack of naps and my not accomplishing anything during the day and started to look for ideas online. I have often followed Babywise methods and did find a website written by a Mom who uses those ideas and realized a few things I have been doing to contribute to Zippy's poor napping. So we'll see if changing up the routine helps.
Zippy enjoys being read to and especially when you make funny voices or noises. His favorite book is Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton. Maybe because his Mama has the most fun reading that one! I like all of her books for that matter.

Zippy also is very observant and will study and study people or objects. Here he is watching the action on the Riverfront.
But alas, the observation has ended and now comes exploration and climbing! Do you see the hill below? He crawled from the bottom to the top. Stopping now and then to pick grass.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
My Two Cake Decorators
This is a month behind but I wanted to post pictures of the birthday cake George and Pete made for me this year. Usually my Mom or sister will decorate one but since the boys have had a few cake decorating lessons as a project for 4H I thought they could handle it.
At their last lesson they learned how to make flowers which is something I have never done! The flowers turned out so nicely, that although tempted to eat them, they decided to freeze them to save to put on my birthday cake. I thought they might as well make the cake for me too. To make it a bit easier for them I caved and bought a cake mix. I helped with the raspberry whipped cream frosting but they put it all together.
It turned out even better than I imagined!
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