Monday, August 8, 2011

Home Stretch

I am now 36 weeks pregnant and very much counting down the days until baby makes an appearance. The doctor has had my c-section scheduled for months now and while I tried to convince them to up the date by a few days for my comfort level, they would not budge. As with my last c-section the insurance company dictates how many days before your due date a c-section or induction can be done. With Seppy it had gone to 10 days early (my two before were 12 days) but this time they closed the gap even further and so I can only go 7 days early which is a little too close for comfort for me.

My first and only truly natural birth was 7 days early. I don't really count the twins in the equation as that was not a normal pregnancy. The doctors do not want me to labor against my scar tissue and so I'd need to rush to the hospital for an emergency section and that obviously isn't ideal. While I'd prefer any day to have a normal labor and delivery, in having to go through a c-section I do prefer the laid back approach where it is as comfortable as possible. I know that my Lord knows all of this and I have friends praying along with me and so I have been resting in that.

As to how I am feeling, well, my energy hasn't picked up as I had hoped. The weight of the baby is a tremendous pressure (I think it gets worse each time) so getting up from sitting or out of bed is not my favorite thing in the world. I can't move very fast and it is getting hard to keep up with life in general. My belly sits on my lap when I sit which seems so strange and I am now getting back aches from the front-heaviness. But yet despite all of the aches and pains, I know I am blessed to be carrying a precious gift. And oh! how I love to sit and watch this little one squirm around and see my belly move from side to side. I love when the kids put their hand on my belly and try to guess body parts of their brother/sister. I love knowing that soon I will hold this little one in my arms and smell that wonderful fresh baby scent. Ahh! It is all worth it!

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