Strange seeing as I had seen Missy playing with her dolls and didn't notice. I ran to check her out and it wasn't obvious at first being that her hair was in pigtails. But then realized that she had cut portions of each. Thankfully she could not cut all the way through her pigtail or I believe she would have. I was crying and laughing as I asked her why she cut her hair. "It was sticking up!" I told her, "Maybe next time you should ask Mommy to comb it instead!"
In brushing it out I think it might not have to be as short and maybe it can be layered. But not entirely sure being that on one side the length is pretty far gone. Hopefully we can keep it to her shoulders at least. When I called John, he was NOT happy! Daddy likes long hair and especially Missy's beautiful blonde locks. Oh my! I know other children do this and Tank did at this age but for a boy it isn't as big of a deal. I'll post new pictures after we decide what to do with her hair. I must say that I am VERY thankful that all she cut was in the length as it could have been much worse!
[caption id="attachment_782324" align="aligncenter" width="288" caption="You can see the side is cut to her shoulder and some strands are a bit shorter"]

[caption id="attachment_782325" align="aligncenter" width="288" caption="You can see how thin and short it is on the left side."]

My son cut my youngest daughter's hair (at her request) the week before Christmas. She ended up with a very short pixie cut. She had to be a cow in the Christmas play instead of an angel to cover the damage. Here are pictures. http://homeschoolblogger.com/bradfordchemist/752717/
Well we just went through some hair cuts ourselves. Actually it started out with my 13 year old deciding she would groom our poo-pom "Roscoe"...GRRR! Then the same week our 11 year old decided to do his own hair cut. Thankfully it was a pretty good job. My mom had trimmed up his hair, but he wanted more off above his ears. Mom, not being a professional didn't want to risk it. Because he could invision what he wanted it to look like, he felt he could do it himself.
Sooooo, Roscoe is no worse for wear. His fur is growing back. Our son came out okay this time. Just hope he doesn't make it a habbit. They didn't do this when they were younger...I think it is the pre teen years...YIKES
Vicki aka homeschooling kat
Awe not too bad! Most girls do that at least once. She had beautiful hair. It will grow out in no time.
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