On Monday we did a few things to celebrate and then after John's softball game that night we took him without his siblings out for custard. He was so thrilled to be able to have custard in a waffle cone. He always wants one when we go out but to keep the price down with 8 cones to buy the kids all get the basic sugar cone or a dish. So that was a treat. He didn't seem too sure about sitting in a booth with just Mommy and Daddy though. We do take him out one on one but he was getting antsy sitting and just talking to each other.

Tonight was the big birthday celebration with family. As I type he is still awake at 10:30 p.m. too excited to sleep. He finished building every lego set he received and is now putting coins he has saved into his new coin collecting book.

We had his traditional meal (he is so big on traditions -- I tried to talk him into going out for pizza but he looked at me as if I was from another planet). So it was kabobs, corn on the cob, fruit salad, and his favorite pasta salad. He really enjoys Lego Indiana Jones and so I found a picture of a cake online that I was able to use as a reference. It didn't turn out exactly as the picture but nice anyway. I frosted it and George put the decorations in place.

I am so thankful for George! He is my right-hand man and helps in too many ways to count.
Happy Double-Digit Birthday my sweet George!