The newest design is a t-shirt for charity using ideas from MckMama (Baby Stellen's Mama) called "Unfolding" using the verse "He who began a good work in you will carry it onto completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6
MckMama said the word unfolding reminded her of the phrase "unpacking scripture" and she described it "as normal emerging for us like the wings of an unexpectedly beautiful butterfly, born out of the pain and struggle of emerging from a dark, restrictive cocoon."
So, what are you waiting for -- Get Your Verse On! And for more Show & Tells please visit Mary at Raising 4 Godly Men.

I love the pink transform your mind one and forgot I had it sitting in my has been there a while being overlooked.. I am always leery on ordering tshirts online, so that is my hangup and the reason I'm hesitant to order it! Rita
I did end up ordering Unfolding ... the color and the gerbera daisy kept drawing me ... I do have a few others marked as birthday gift ideas :) Love these t-shirts!
Thanks for sharing this ! I love groups like this. I can't wait to check this company out. I live in a situation that my MIL next door has people who belong to a group WWOOF. Which is willing workers on organic farms. So I have a lot of chance to witness but I am trying to find a way to break the ice without being a bible thumper. This may be a tool to start questions happening in a way my MIL doesn't think I am being rude. [0=
I am going to go check out the site now !
Blessigs and ((HUGS))
In Him<><
I want to thank you soooooooooo much for this link !! I love love LOVE them !!! I can see what you mean about choices. I think my favorite is Concider It Pure Joy...James 1:2-5 t-shirt.
In Him<><
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