The first clue was when he mentioned something to my Mom (in my presence) about getting his message about chipping in. Okay, that got me thinking about what would he need to have people chip in for. Well, there was one thing I had asked for but I didn't think that was it. There was a dream wish for an SLR digital camera but I didn't think it could be that as we have talked about getting one for years but the price is always higher than we would like. My pink camera John bought me last year met its demise you may recall in the bathtub and while it functioned okay it didn't take the best of pictures. But alas, I figured I would make due for awhile.
The second clue was the fact that John has been limiting my spending a little more as of late and when I asked if I could purchase something he said we just didn't have the finances right now because he bought something and he wished he could tell me but couldn't. So I began to ponder that maybe just maybe he had bought me my dream camera but I didn't want to get my hopes too high.
Last night as my Mom walked in the door I noticed that she had a gift along which made me wonder and I said, "I thought everyone was chipping in, now I'm confused". She was glad for my confusion to keep me guessing. Sure enough, everyone arrived with a gift in hand. And my in-laws had given me a gift when they had visited.
The time arrived for present opening and it began with a small book from my grandparents who said there was "more to come". I next opened a memory card from my grandpa which I thought kind of odd for him to buy for me. I received a beautiful bracelet watch from my sister and her family next but they had more to come also.
I began to really know what was coming when I opened a larger camera bag from my parents and I began to get teary eyed. They said I needed a new one for my pink camera. Okay, sure. I next opened the rest of my sister's gift -- a zoom lens that I could barely see through my blurred vision. Last came my gift from John and the children and it was my new Canon Rebel Xsi digital camera!!!! I cannot tell you how happy I was. That was a GREAT surprise and John had orchestrated the whole thing. One of my birthdays I would like to be tear-free but I tell you, my family has the gift of making me feel special and knowing just what I like. It doesn't help that I am a softy.

Just ahead -- beautiful pictures with my new camera!!!

Oh Amy, I am in tears! What a beautiful gesture of love, I know that you have been wishing for this for quite some time. We cannot wait to see the magic you work with your new camera!
Love you,
Awesome. I am always pretty excited when someone gets a new camera. I can't wait to see the pictures you take with your new camera.
Happy Birthday! and congratulations on the new camera. I know that you will have hours of fun using it. We recently bought the rebel xti and I love it, although I don't know if I'll ever learn to use it to its full potential. Happy picture taking!
Amy, I'm so, so glad for you! What a sweet, precious gesture for John to orchestrate something so meaningful and so "you." :)
How fun! What a great surprise! I know you'll have a great time with your new "fancy-pants" camera. :)
Happy Birthday!!!
Grace and Peace,
P.S. I actually already thought you had a DSLR as beautiful as your pictures have been!
Yeah !! I am soooooo happy for you ! What a blessing. [0= I can't wait to see the pics you will share with us soon.
Happy B-lated Birthday !!
Blessings and ((HUGS)) my SSiC
In Him<><
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