Monday, April 23, 2007
Finally Walking!

Monday, April 16, 2007
Another Blessing!
God has decided to bless us with another baby! Admittedly in the beginning it was hard to adjust to the thought as we weren’t necessarily “ready”. Mainly because I finally now feel normal after my previous c-section 18 mos. ago. While others may not share our thoughts we believe that God is in control of our family size. We do use natural family planning to try and space the children which some may say is taking control away but yet even in doing that God always does decide when we will have another child. As we see so clearly in scripture God will open the womb when He decides to.
Again I struggled with the thoughts of my sister who has been trying to have another child for almost two years now and committed this to much prayer. She had a difficult time getting pregnant with their first child also and I easily was pregnant with our Tank at that time. Why does God choose to bless us but not them or other friends who so desire a child? We may never know but I was so thankful that the Lord prepared her for my news and as I cried, she laughed.
The boys are thrilled with the thought of another baby, especially George who wants us to have at least 9 children! As we tell more and more people it helps to build our own excitement at the thought of another little life. I am nauseous and tired every day but never experience it as badly as other women that I know. Bland food is what we seem to live on at this moment but this should last maybe only a week or so more. I am due around November 10th but will have the baby via c-section two weeks prior. (See info on our twins birth as to why another c-section).

Psalm 127:3-4 Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Wear Your Love
As I read a post by my friend KindredHeart last year I was inspired to purchase something for myself for my husband’s birthday. I bought a t-shirt that expresses my love for him. My sister was equally inspired and decided to make the same type of purchase. They differed slightly based on the taste we felt our men had. (My sister bought an “I Love My Geek” shirt which is perfect for my brother-in-law).
The Saturday morning of my husband’s birthday I got ready and put on my new t-shirt and went to greet him. At first he didn’t notice but when he did really look at me he wore the biggest grin on his face and was ready with an immediate embrace. The rest of the day was enjoyable and I was thrilled to see how something as simple as expressing my love in a creative way made such a difference. While I am not typically a t-shirt kind of girl, I also have found that wearing it in the public eye really gives an extra burst of encouragement.

I have recently read the book “For Women Only” by Shaunti Feldhahn which is an easy and enjoyable read. It is about the things that we may not understand about men and so clearly explains what it is that men really desire from us and why. This was not based on her own experience or opinion but from a professional survey of hundreds of men. The biggest emphasis was on how we need to respect our husband which is the way they feel loved. There is a reason why the bible says in Ephesians 5:33 “Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband”.
Speaking of KindredHeart, she was nominated for two blog award categories so stop by and visit her site and be as encouraged as I always am! She really does “Live-what-she-believes”! A few other blog friends have been nominated also so stop in and visit them as well.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Hospitality and Willing Helpers
I love to entertain and have people over to our house whether it is having people overnight or a baby shower with a group of women. I remember all of the many missionaries and guests that my parents entertained while I was growing up and how I would take pictures of them to remember their visit. This left an impression on me.
While I may enjoy entertaining, I haven’t always kept it up being as it can be a lot of work to get your house in order when there are little ones going before you in seeming destruction mode. “Do you think the floor is a garbage?” I often mutter. I would usually get frustrated with the preparations not going as I plan and the last minute rush to get everything sparkling and smelling fresh. Lately we have taken to the thinking that the more we entertain the more our house will stay clean and in order so we continue to invite people. I have loosened up my expectations as it really shouldn’t matter to people if there happens to be dust on the lamp or that the windows are smudged full of sticky fingerprints. This after all is my life right now. Last weekend I was hosting a bridal shower for a young lady from church. As I told the children of the approaching event I explained how we all need to work together to get things clean and in order. This isn’t only a job for Mommy. George then says, “Why do you always have showers here? Don’t you know it makes more work for us?!?”
The week of preparation went so much smoother than I imagined. I didn’t yell once! The children were willing helpers which shocked me. George especially went out of his way to do anything he could to help me and I thanked him over and again. While my house wasn’t perfect, I know we all worked together to clean and did the best we could do. The boys were just disappointed that they couldn’t be at the shower. Why do Mom’s get all the fun? This month we are having some students from a Bible college up north who come down to help out at church on Sundays stay overnight. I enjoy this as the children are learning how to interact with new people and are starting to open up more. Now our youngest, Tank loves people and considers the guys to be his “friends”. The children are also learning to practice hospitality.

1 Peter 4:8-10 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.