George was excited about his projects this year. He entered photography and legos again but this time decided to try decorating cupcakes. We found the idea to make corn on the cob cupcakes and they turned out really nice. Although trying to make them hold up to transport was a little difficult. Thankfully it wasn't an entire cake! Noah got a 1st place on them but as it turned out the judge really liked the cupcakes too and held onto them for later judging for higher awards. We went back to see if he could possibly receive a higher award and unfortunately he did not, but we are so proud of him for his hard work and creativity. We later found out that there were 600 some entries in the food category and out of that his was put aside for special consideration which is an honor in itself! He already is planning to decorate a cake for next year.
[caption id="attachment_782412" align="alignleft" width="221" caption="George and Corn On the Cob Cupcakes"]

For anyone in the area look for the boys projects in the 4H building when you are at the fair. (Cupcakes won't be there due to the fact that they would be a spoiled mess). They all entered photos -- George took his own and the other boys made posters with photos I took but most have people you recognize in them. Our club is Willing Workers so you can visit our booth too for more pictures of them.