Happy Birthday to my Sweet Little Boy! As I reflect back on his short three years I am reminded how when I first discovered I was pregnant with him I had a hard time dealing with the news. Not that I didn’t want any more children, but at that time in our life we had a 3 ½ year old and 16 month old twins who were quite the handful at that stage of development. In addition to that, my sister so desperately wanted to have a baby but hadn’t conceived in over a year. I wondered why God would choose to give me another baby now when I wasn’t ready and yet my sister was. I wish to say that I was happy to find out that I was having a fourth boy but I struggled with that as well. I cried often over my situation but God is faithful and knows what we need and how much we can handle and wants us to rest in Him.
Upon arrival of my little “Tank” all of those feelings ceased and were replaced with joy at this precious gift that God had entrusted to us. He has been such a delight and while one of our most willful and challenging children he is also one of our most loving and caring. When I carry him down the stairs he is always concerned for my safety and says “Careful Mama!”. Last night as my parents stopped by Tank noticed my Mom’s new shirt and said, “I yike your sssirt”. And he gives hugs and kisses so freely. Thank You Lord for giving me this little boy, my ray of sunshine – just what I needed!
It's been so neat to read about your boys! Happy Birthday to all three!
Happy Belated Birthday to your little one. I can see January is such an important and fun month of the year for your family.
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